info: you may notice some gameplay playthroughs/walkthroughs have .5 or .8 to there parts. the lower the the number the less meaningless the gameplay part is that was made. if a gameplay part for example is; 2.1, then theres only battling & running around or lvl'ing up in it & is wasted gameplay part, but if gameplay part is a .5, theres mainly battling & running around but has some areas thats story or finding areas as well. this also goes for the .6, .7, .8, & .9 parts as well. the higher the .Number the closer it is to being a main part. Also Note; if the gameplay part is 2hrs or under & has story, battling & running around, we may just single part it. like; part 2 of Skies Of Arcadia Uncensored Eng Dub is a single part, 1 reason is that it is under 2hrs, second reason is that it has some main story in it. 3hr+ parts also include alot of battling & running around, but has main story, puzzles, & ect.
2hr parts are 17~20gb vids [original size] per
3hr parts are 24~38gb vids [original size] per
also note, if the graphics where increased, or certain games or parts run faster than the Parts of vids gb would increase by 20gb+. like for example; 3hr part being 144fps~354fps & graphics where 2k, parts would be 67~104gb+ vids [original size] per. and if the gb gets to high, we wont be able to upload the original vid due to time required & bandwidth limit on our end. And the original recorded is best compared to them compressed or converted version vid of it as they lose 20%~70% original vid Quality. we've tried & tested though more then 10 editors. there's only one vid editor that can compress convert most vids recorded without losing anymore then 17% original Quality or original vid & thats the AVS Editor, but we have been unable to use that editor since year 2018 due to it causes our pc major graphic glitches, text disappearing on files & shortcuts, background pic disappears, pc issues, & more on & since windows 10. We're unsure if the problems are on the windows 11 version we have installed as it's the same pc/laptop & due to it's the same pc/laptop it may still have problems on our end as many things do as we tested other things & have more probs with them other programs & even our mouse touchpad panel since windows 11. we'd have to use a second pc for that & transferring recorded gameplays from one pc to another to convert & transfer back to upload is more time wasted then just uploading gameplays under 70gb. so that method is skipped lol.
thanks for reading. more info later.
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