Sunday, July 31, 2022

 info;  sorry we are running behind on recordings & uploads due to multi other pc problems, like; onedrive errors, dimensions on all videos info tips vanished, network, fb, drives 0/I, SD Cards, & more. sorry for the inconvenience.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

 Info: we are unable to live stream or make videos with camera. our pc web camera is broken.

 info; sorry in advance for any inconveniences. we postponed gaming, recording, uploading, & more due to;  2 fb account problems, 2 fb page problems, fb group problems, account unlinked from accounts we've linked before, avatar & cover pic's being removed from some accounts, android emu not working right, pc & drives acting up, main google account auto signing out every few mins, main fb account auto signing out everyday, & more. unsure what's all going on, sorry in advance.

info; gaming will resume today. unsure about other things at the moment.

 info; every FB group we make gets flagged/reported & deleted by/within 2days after made since our main. weather it is made with our main or made with our second fb account. 

info; not long after we made new fb pages, due to the group page problems, was unpublished & reviewed for days now. we are unable to publish, post, edit, & more on new fb page we made as a remake. each time this happens & says it's due to a post that was posted, the new group page didnt have any url posts from us, yet was the first to be removed. as for our new FB page, it's reaction is different than our main page that was removed/deleted, first it was unpublished, never had a fb page unpublished before. second, it's been days, & we're able to goto to url, it does not say it broken, but under page quality, it say page removed, unsure if theres a glitch going on or what. second fb account page can join groups & more yet when going to our main & checking the groups it joined, it doesnt show Wolf Trigger as avatar & ect. fb deleted the in between account Dailymotion & Wolf_2015 that rans under both & controls new fb page. new fb page is owned under second fb Wolf Trigger. unsure what's all going on as things are sorta glitched on our end, Wolf Trigger is under W15Blue email, main is under our main email, & new fb page changed ownership during begining of second day when made Second fb page but new Dailymotion & Wolf_2015 page is made under main email. all our fb pages main & new is limited & has restrictions, unknown for how long. pages button on top & page still pinned as well. fb group makes mainly not working as someone flagging us as spam & with old group not been deleted & just sits there, thats a glitch as well, as no one controls it. the name of new fb page & group may have been one of the main issues as it was the same as the last.

sorry to everyone for these inconveniences.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

 alot of old & new pages we make weather they on fb or others are having problems due to links / urls & more.

Thursday, July 21, 2022


 our FB [FaceBook] Account has been hacked. our second account under pages made was deleted or removed as our main account that made it lost admin permissions & unable to do anything about it. all we can do is wait to see if it's just a temp thing or if not either way we'll be making a new pages page, just glad we didnt put any of our products on fb page as it would have been deleted without a trace the account was ever there except for the   Dailymotion & Wolf_2015 Public Group  is still up but has no admin as the admin was under our main fb account & only one that has admin permissions to them pages & the account seems to be suspended or deleted/removed. sorry in advance.

This a pic of what We mean. we wernt on our fb pages or fb since July,28,2022. yet this message was in notifications to this page like that we took pic of here, & notifications said post was done 16 hours ago at the time we checked it. so in others works, as you see time on pic. 6am, so as soon as we turned pc on this morning July 21, 2022 & logged in, we were hacked or attacked on many accounts & they posted something on our fb pages   & got account suspended or deleted/removed

Also, another reason we didnt notice sooner. number notifications on gmail was not right, they went into our gmails along with they shut off all fb notifications to all our emails. so we'll have to start making a new page.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


 we still got DC [DreamCast] Games to go through and make gameplays of.

N64 or GC [GameCube] Gameplays will be next after DC [Dreamcast] Gameplays. Note; we've not been able to update our website or EMU's [Emulators] Links/URL's by adding more yet. we are unsure if we'll get to it if we moving. Thank you for reading.

Sunday, July 17, 2022


 We're very low on space due to the extra 30+GB of hacked/modded/homebrew DC games, therefor large gameplay makes have been slowed down on makes. This also includes; at the moment only;  we can't get anymore games new or old till we straighten are space areas up & organize our stuff. Due to the new windows 11 don't have Windows 10 style of file explorer folders thumbnails previews, this also is another reason we've got some things lost & everything needs to reorganized. lol, we cant just easily put a custom thumbnail on just any folders especially folders that will eventually be burned to data DVD discs. we're still working on trying to safely change windows 11 default system folders thumbnail style to the windows 10 style, but it might not be posible to due without a hack or mod of some kind, & if so, things will stay at a slow pase. Mainly due to we relie on pictured folders preview styled to get to things fast & know what is what lol, & the extra spacing of folders & icons in windows 11 while we have such small screens, both laptop & tv only 15in big, therefor is harder to have the file explorer folders sized some like we did in windows 10, takes few more scrolls & working with a broken mouse is difficult. most the hacked/modded/homebrew games have been tested & gameplays made. We still have 30+ regular DC games to make gameplays for still along with further parts for Skies Of Arcadia Uncensored English Dub. Stay Tuned🎶 for more info & ect.

 we've made a blog page on our anime website, stats of things & links may also be found there as well as time passes. link to our we...